USB Microphone Rentals

We at Vodcast TV continue to investigate new options for expanding our product offering to our clients, in a way that benefits them greatly and enhances the overall quality and effectiveness of their Podcasts and Vodcasts.

After discussing the individual needs of several of our clients, we’ve introduced a USB microphone rental facility to our service offering. This will allow Vodcasters to, for example, conduct guest interviews with guests who aren’t able to physically be in studio over Zoom, while dramatically improving the audio quality when compared to the built in microphone facilities on a smart phone, laptop or tablet.

Whether this is due to the post Covid-19 world or your guest lives in Cape Town, our Plug and Play USB Microphones work on all laptops as well as iPhone and iPad, allowing your guest to be heard with the greatest of ease.

The Vodcast TV team will assist you in facilitating all of this, every step of the way.

Covid-19 Lockdown Regulations for Vodcast TV

I’m delighted to announce that the Vodcast TV Studio in Rosebank Mall is officially open, in line with the regulations set out in Alert Level 3 of the national lockdown. We will once again be assisting our clients in creating high quality Vodcast content and we are looking forward to welcoming back all of our clients, into studio.

Certain measures and standards will have to be adhered to until further notice. All persons entering the Vodcast TV premises must be wearing a facemask as per the regulations set forth by the South African Government in order to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus. During recordings, facemasks can only be removed when alone in recording booth area. Any recordings in which 2 or more speakers are present in the recording booth area concurrently will require that all persons present in the booth are wearing facemasks throughout. Individuals hosting Vodcasts alone will be allowed to remove their facemask as the recording booth door is shut.

Vodcast TV will only allow a maximum of 2 Speakers per recording session in the recording booth area. In an effort to maintain safe social distancing during this period.

Rosebank Mall Podcast Coming

The Rosebank Mall Podcast is coming to devices across Jozi this December. The show, an in depth exploration of tenants and their product offerings, is intended to create lifestyle content for the mall’s clientele that presents them with insight and value and will be hosted upon the new Vodcast TV platform.

Viewers/Listeners can expect a diverse offering across episodes, from jewellery and sneaker culture to coffee and even psychic healing.

The podcast will be available as an audio version upon Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify as well as a video version on Youtube.

Vodcast TV Launches With First Podcast

Vodcast TV has officially launched as Johannesburgs first premier shared podcast studio platform at Rosebank Mall. The Marco Martins Revolution a show hosted by Vodcast TV founder Marco Martins, recorded it’s first episode, an interview with photographer and social media guru Kyle Van Der Schyff.

The pair discussed the new Vodcast TV studio, their view’s on the future of content creation as well as Van Der Schyff’s own upcoming podcast which will be hosted upon the same platform. An announcement is expected soon about Van Der Schyff’s podcast.